Leadership Blogs

The Line Between Responsibility and Over-Responsibility

Author: Kathy Rodwell

Are your over-responsible for what happens around you or do you take the exact right amount of responsibility? Where is the line and how do you measure what is the appropriate level of responsibility to take in any leadership or life situation? Leadership involves a series of complex explicit and tacit rules about our responsibilities towards ourselves and to others. When we are able to have healthy distinctions between what we are responsib 

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How Structure and Focus Support Great Leadership

Support leadership

Author: Korryn Campbell

In this hectic world where we are swamped by emails and our attention can be going in 10 directions at once, the importance of some structure has never been so critical! Harvard Business Review discusses a neurological phenomenon called  ‘Attention Deficit Trait’.*  Marked by distractibility, impatience and inner frenzy it prevents individuals from making smart decisions, clarifying priorities and managing time. It apparently can leave h 

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Bullet proof self-esteem

Author: Kathy Rodwell

Is there a part of you that wants to be liked as a leader? Is there also another part of you that knows logically not everyone will like you, and that when someone gives you feedback it is usually not you they are reacting to but something about what you do as a leader. When you’re reading the responses from people who’ve rated your performance in your latest 360 degree feedback report, which part of you wins out? Not being liked is someth 

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The Best Leaders See Themselves As Part Of Their Problems

Author: Kathy Rodwell

If there is one thing to focus on that will make the biggest difference to every leadership result in 2015 and beyond, this is it. Reflecting on how you lead your life, your relationships and your career - ask yourself this question:- “Do things happen to me or through me? Let me explain more about what I mean by that. When we think that things are happening “to” us we tend to feel powerless to be able to affect the results we get  

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Coaching Strengths vs Blind Spots: Which Is Really Better?

Author: Sarah Nanclares

"Why do coaches seem to prefer to focus on fixing your weaknesses rather than building on your strengths?" Is a question that I am asked. When we develop our strengths and talents, it brings rewards such as achievement, applause and self-confidence. Playing to our strengths comes from Positive Psychology with its focus on “human flourishing as the main vehicle to enable individuals, communities and organisations to thrive.” When we fix (i 

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