Relationships Blogs

Don’t Organise The Organiser

Author: Korryn Campbell

Are you an organised person or are you the type of person who needs someone else to organise you? Being an organised person doesn’t just mean you show up to meetings on time with the correct file, notes and coffee. It’s not about spring-cleaning and making sure dinner is on the table at 6pm each night. It goes much deeper than that. A truly organised person makes organisation a part of their daily routine and practice. They may be the o 

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Do Your Clients Feel The Love?

Author: Korryn Campbell

So you know you have a great product or service but do you lack frequent communication between your business and your clients? The amount of times I contact a supplier of a service or product and end up running the other way by the end of our communication, I would say is around 60%. This is purely because of their communication and customer service skills. If I’m not treated as I would treat one of my clients, I will not use the service. Simpl 

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Strengths Overdone

Author: Kathy Rodwell

Tony arrives late for his coaching session and he rushes in sweating, puffing and panting, digging around in his bag for his notes, grabbing his phone to switch it off and apologising profusely for being late. Sound like anyone in your workplace? No big deal right? Most people run late some of the time don’t they? Only this is the 3rd time Tony has arrived in this stressed state and by now I’m curious if this is just a coincidence or is it 

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