Success Blogs

How to Master the Delicacy of Giving Feedback

Author: Selina Ryan

The art of being able to give effective feedback is critical in all organisations whether large or small. It is a delicate job; the flow and course of a conversation can shift dramatically with the energy changes between the people involved so it is key to learn how to keep it on safe ground. People receiving feedback can respond differently depending on many factors; what their relationship is with the person giving the feedback; whether they t 

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Do You Seek to Fit in or Stand Out?

Author: Sarah Nanclares

Part 1 of 3 series. Something magical happens when you realize that your brain is a magnificent piece of circuitry that you have freedom and choice to re-configure so that navigating life and people becomes smoother and more gratifying. This ‘magic’ refers to the freedom of choice that comes from taking ownership of running your own brain. When you make the decision to become adaptable and flexible you step into the zone where you are pro 

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Top 10 For Living The Best Year Of Your Life!

Author: Michelle Duval

As one who is not a big fan of new year's resolutions, I get asked each year what my top tips are for starting a new year and for cultivating the best year of your life. While not the exhaustive list, these are my 'top-ten'. Enjoy! 1. Take time to learn from the year before What were the key learning’s from last year? What do you wish to change, evolve or keep the same? Without reflection you are likely to repeat the same year you had las 

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Do Your Clients Feel The Love?

Author: Korryn Campbell

So you know you have a great product or service but do you lack frequent communication between your business and your clients? The amount of times I contact a supplier of a service or product and end up running the other way by the end of our communication, I would say is around 60%. This is purely because of their communication and customer service skills. If I’m not treated as I would treat one of my clients, I will not use the service. Simpl 

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Pump Up Your Financial Stability

Author: Korryn Campbell

Do you feel safe in operating your business and your life in general? By safe, I don’t mean having a bodyguard to protect you from the dangers in life. I mean do you have stability? The service I offer and the partnerships I create with my clients gives me stability, not only in my business but also in the marketplace with my competitors. It doesn’t, however, make me financially stable in the marketplace as I believe it is very difficult t 

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